Stephen Gould

Stephen Gould

Packaging And Containers, 35 S Jefferson Rd, Madison, New Jersey, 07981, United States, 201-500 Employees

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phone no Phone Number: 97********


Over the course of the past 80+ years, Stephen Gould has been recognized as a leader within the packaging industry, growing to become one of the largest privately owned packaging sales or...

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industries-icon Industry: Packaging and Containers

SIC SIC Code: 2631 | NAICS Code: 561110 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Stephen Gould

Answer: Stephen Gould's headquarters are located at 35 S Jefferson Rd, Madison, New Jersey, 07981, United States

Answer: Stephen Gould's phone number is 97********

Answer: Stephen Gould's official website is

Answer: Stephen Gould's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million

Answer: Stephen Gould's SIC: 2631

Answer: Stephen Gould's NAICS: 561110

Answer: Stephen Gould has 201-500 employees

Answer: Stephen Gould is in Packaging and Containers

Answer: Stephen Gould contact info: Phone number: 97******** Website:

Answer: Over the course of the past 80+ years, Stephen Gould has been recognized as a leader within the packaging industry, growing to become one of the largest privately owned packaging sales organizations in the US, with 2021 revenue surpassing $940 Million. Throughout our history, we have evolved our expertise from a simple industrial packaging supplier to a complex turnkey partner, with the ability to design, prototype and produce packaging across all mediums, while also providing supply chain management, warehousing and logistics services. We excel through our people-first approach, relentlessly working to get quality products to market, while building trust with our customers and various partners through every engagement. Now in our third generation of family leadership, SG continues to set the standard for performance and service as we pursue creative advances in design, engineering and supply chains that can solve any packaging challenge on both a local and global scale.


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