St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish School

St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish School

Primary And Secondary Education, 300 Daly Dr, West Chester, Pennsylvania, 19382, United States, 11-50 Employees

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St. Maximilian Kolbe School opened its doors in 2000. It was the first new school in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in over thirty years! Many members of the St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish ...

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  • 300 Daly Dr, West Chester, Pennsylvania, 19382, United States Headquarters: 300 Daly Dr, West Chester, Pennsylvania, 19382, United States
  • 2000 Date Founded: 2000
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Primary and Secondary Education

SIC SIC Code: 8211

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Gina Berardelli

Elementary School Teacher - First Grade

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish School

Answer: St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish School's headquarters are located at 300 Daly Dr, West Chester, Pennsylvania, 19382, United States

Answer: St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish School's phone number is +16*********

Answer: St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish School's official website is

Answer: St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish School's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish School's SIC: 8211

Answer: St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish School has 11-50 employees

Answer: St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish School is in Primary and Secondary Education

Answer: St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish School contact info: Phone number: +16********* Website:

Answer: St. Maximilian Kolbe School opened its doors in 2000. It was the first new school in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in over thirty years! Many members of the St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish had strong faith roots in elementary education in parish schools. As the parish grew, some were disappointed to find a new parish without a school. Desiring a Catholic education with those same faith-filled experiences for their children, these parishioners worked toward one day building a parish school. During the waiting years, families sometimes had children attending two or three schools in neighboring parishes. After years of talking, planning and fundraising, ground was broken for the St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish School, which would house the school and religious education program. The original plan to open grades pre-kindergarten through three was quickly changed to include grades four through seven when it became evident that the parishioners wanted the new school open to all children seeking enrollment. St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish School has become a community of believers and a center for academic excellence where children learn and grow each day within the context of a Catholic atmosphere. The school colors are red and white and the mascot is the cardinal. The school motto is: Serving God through serving others a way for us to learn to follow in St. Maximilian Kolbes footsteps. Mission Statement: St. Maximilian Kolbe School is a Christ-centered Catholic community called to model Jesus Law of Love. The school endeavors to educate the whole child: spiritually, intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically. Challenging academics blend cutting-edge technologies with proven traditional teaching strategies to promote high achievement. Community service and worship provide children with a solid foundation for building strong relationships with one another and with God. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and with parental support, the administration an


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