Spencer Police Department
Law Enforcement, 80 N West St, Spencer, Indiana, 47460, United States, 11-50 Employees
Phone Number: +19*********
The Spencer Police Department is a full-service police agency consisting of ten Full-Time Officers, six Reserve Officers, and one Chaplain, which provides police protection to a city of a...
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Headquarters: 80 N West St, Spencer, Indiana, 47460, United States
Employees: 11-50
Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
Industry: Law Enforcement
SIC Code: 4213
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Spencer Police Department
Answer: Spencer Police Department's headquarters are located at 80 N West St, Spencer, Indiana, 47460, United States
Answer: Spencer Police Department's phone number is +19*********
Answer: Spencer Police Department's official website is https://police.spencer.in.gov
Answer: Spencer Police Department's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million
Answer: Spencer Police Department's SIC: 4213
Answer: Spencer Police Department has 11-50 employees
Answer: Spencer Police Department is in Law Enforcement
Answer: Spencer Police Department contact info: Phone number: +19********* Website: https://police.spencer.in.gov
Answer: The Spencer Police Department is a full-service police agency consisting of ten Full-Time Officers, six Reserve Officers, and one Chaplain, which provides police protection to a city of approximately 2,800 residents. This agency coordinates activities with community organizations, facilitate the safe and expedient movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, provide neighborhood patrols, and serve as a presence for the deterrence of crime. Through the continued education and training of sworn officers, we strive to help build and maintain a safe community
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