Speech Tactics

Speech Tactics

Medical Practice, 8848 Red Oak BLVD, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28217, United States, 11-50 Employees


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Speech Tactics is Charlottes premier pediatric therapy clinic for comprehensive speech-language pathology and occupational therapy services for children and adults. Our therapists utilize...

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industries-icon Industry: Medical Practice

SIC SIC Code: 8049

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Speech Tactics Org Chart and Mapping

Sharon Jordan

Chief Executive Officer


Otr::L Jessica B. Marcus

Pediatric Occupational Therapist

Amanda Pericles

Speech Therapy Department Lead

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Speech Tactics

Answer: Speech Tactics's headquarters are located at 8848 Red Oak BLVD, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28217, United States

Answer: Speech Tactics's phone number is 98********

Answer: Speech Tactics's official website is https://myspeechtactics.com

Answer: Speech Tactics's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Speech Tactics's SIC: 8049

Answer: Speech Tactics has 11-50 employees

Answer: Speech Tactics is in Medical Practice

Answer: Speech Tactics contact info: Phone number: 98******** Website: https://myspeechtactics.com

Answer: Speech Tactics is Charlottes premier pediatric therapy clinic for comprehensive speech-language pathology and occupational therapy services for children and adults. Our therapists utilize innovative and evidence-based therapeutic interventions to improve speech, language, and social communication skills, as well as improve sensory, motor and cognitive abilities. Our dedicated and highly-skilled therapists provide diagnostic testing, evaluations, and remediation for a variety of communication disorders, cognitive impairments, and sensory/motor disorders. Speech Tactics also has an established bilingual therapy program that continues to lead the way in pediatric therapy services for underserved children and families from culturally/linguistically diverse backgrounds. We are a people-first organization that aims to serve the community in ways beyond therapy!

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