Spartan Polymers

Spartan Polymers

Plastics, 110 North Carpenter St, Wilmette, Illinois, 60607, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Today, compounding and blending plays an integral role in the unique solutions we provide. To support a consistently growing demand, we expanded our extrusion assets by 40% in 2017 and wi...

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  • 110 North Carpenter St, Wilmette, Illinois, 60607, United States Headquarters: 110 North Carpenter St, Wilmette, Illinois, 60607, United States
  • 2001 Date Founded: 2001
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Billion and Over
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Plastics

SIC SIC Code: 2821 | NAICS Code: 325211 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Spartan Polymers

Answer: Spartan Polymers's headquarters are located at 110 North Carpenter St, Wilmette, Illinois, 60607, United States

Answer: Spartan Polymers's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Spartan Polymers's official website is

Answer: Spartan Polymers's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Spartan Polymers's SIC: 2821

Answer: Spartan Polymers's NAICS: 325211

Answer: Spartan Polymers has 11-50 employees

Answer: Spartan Polymers is in Plastics

Answer: Spartan Polymers contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website:

Answer: Today, compounding and blending plays an integral role in the unique solutions we provide. To support a consistently growing demand, we expanded our extrusion assets by 40% in 2017 and will add another 40 million pounds of compounding in 2018. Over nearly two decades, we have evolved into a dedicated team of talented individuals who provide tailor-made, cost-effective solutions for challenging customer applications. Spartans cultural DNA is about putting our customer at the front and center on everything we do. We empower team members to think big, take risks, and bring new ideas to the table. We know how to work well together, and we lean on each other to serve our customers and move our company forward. We believe that no team can truly succeed unless each member has a vested interest, so our employees are treated with mutual respect and trust. Turnover is rare on our team, and most of our staff is in for the long haul. As we expand, were always looking for creative, technical, and customer-focused people who like the challenge of building a better mousetrap. Our philosophy is simple: innovate for the customer, operate as a team, and grow the business. We know that we could grow a successful business by providing the same resins to customers day in and day out, but thats not a business we want to operate. We strive to build long lasting relationships with our customers and our suppliers, and we do this by designing creative and cost-effective solutions. Our philosophy is simple: innovate for the customer, operate as a team, and grow the business. We know that we could grow a successful business by providing the same resins to customers day in and day out, but thats not a business we want to operate. We strive to build long lasting relationships with our customers and our suppliers, and we do this by designing creative and cost-effective solutions.


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