Sonder Living

Sonder Living

Furniture, 347 Newport CTR Dr, Hong Kong, California, 92660, United States, 5001-10000 Employees

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Design, by its very nature, influences the world around us; it evokes emotion, solves challenges and creates conversation. Sonder Living champions design in all its forms through a commit...

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  • 347 Newport CTR Dr, Hong Kong, California, 92660, United States Headquarters: 347 Newport CTR Dr, Hong Kong, California, 92660, United States
  • 5001-10000 Employees: 5001-10000
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $100 Million to $250 Million

industries-icon Industry: Furniture

SIC SIC Code: 5023

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sonder Living

Answer: Sonder Living's headquarters are located at 347 Newport CTR Dr, Hong Kong, California, 92660, United States

Answer: Sonder Living's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Sonder Living's official website is

Answer: Sonder Living's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million

Answer: Sonder Living's SIC: 5023

Answer: Sonder Living has 5001-10000 employees

Answer: Sonder Living is in Furniture

Answer: Sonder Living contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website:

Answer: Design, by its very nature, influences the world around us; it evokes emotion, solves challenges and creates conversation. Sonder Living champions design in all its forms through a commitment to craft and artful living. Our diverse brand delivers a curated and well-rounded furnishings experience, conveyed across varied ranges of styles tailored to our customers tastes. We believe in the transformative quality of design, and are devoted to imbuing as much beauty and substance into each fiber we produce. Sonder Living is grounded in exceptional manufacturing capabilities. Today, at our dedicated facilities in Vietnam, these strengths continue to ensure that every design is brought to life with exquisite craftsmanship and infused with rich narratives and creative stories. Sonder derives its name from the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows, which defines the word as the realization that each passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own. That notion struck a chord, echoing the very ethos our furniture brand had inculcated when we first began offering design solutions in 2015. Now, led by the belief that interiors should reflect the individuals that reside within them, Sonder speaks fluently across multiple platforms of business. Comprised of three supporting arms- Sonder Living (consumer), Sonder Distribution (retail) and Sonder Projects (hospitality), we aim to take a collaborative approach to the creative process and continue to prove that design firms are anything but linear.


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