Slink Fit
Health, Wellness And Fitness, 5304 Martway St, Westwood, Kansas, 66205, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +18*********
Customized Personal Training Build a Better You. Each SLINKFIT personal training program is developed on sound principles that are appropriate for everyone, but applied through a system c...
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Headquarters: 5304 Martway St, Westwood, Kansas, 66205, United States
Date Founded: 2002
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: Under $1 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Health, Wellness and Fitness
NAICS Code: 999990 |
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SlinkFit Org Chart and Mapping
Doug Slinker
Owner, Slinkfit, Elite Athlete Plyometrics Conditioning, Agility, Strength, Power, Speed, Skill
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding SlinkFit
Answer: SlinkFit's headquarters are located at 5304 Martway St, Westwood, Kansas, 66205, United States
Answer: SlinkFit's phone number is +18*********
Answer: SlinkFit's official website is https://slinkfit.com
Answer: SlinkFit's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: SlinkFit's NAICS: 999990
Answer: SlinkFit has 1-10 employees
Answer: SlinkFit is in Health, Wellness and Fitness
Answer: SlinkFit contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website: https://slinkfit.com
Answer: Customized Personal Training Build a Better You. Each SLINKFIT personal training program is developed on sound principles that are appropriate for everyone, but applied through a system created just for your body. Doug works closely with you to evaluate your physical needs and goals, so you can attain a healthy, conditioned, and resilient body - not just for a moment, but for a lifetime. THE philosophy How we move is proof of how our muscles, joints, ligaments and bones work together. A body that is out of sync on the inside stumbles on the outside, whether its a twinge when lifting groceries, ongoing recovery from a persistent sports injury, or just the feeling that the spare tire around your waist will never go away. The muscles you cant see are often the ones that perform the most important functions. The SLINKFIT system explores this connection, developing your bodys core structure inside for a stronger outside. SLINKFIT looks beneath the surface of each individual to identify and correct mechanical inefficiencies.
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