Skyworks Aeronautics

Skyworks Aeronautics

Aviation & Aerospace, 9980 S 300 W, Chicago, Illinois, 84070, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Skyworks Aeronautics is the world leader in the science and technology of gyronautics, focusing on the design and development of high-performance gyroplanes. Using highly advanced technol...

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  • 9980 S 300 W, Chicago, Illinois, 84070, United States Headquarters: 9980 S 300 W, Chicago, Illinois, 84070, United States
  • 1986 Date Founded: 1986
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Aviation & Aerospace

SIC SIC Code: 4581 | NAICS Code: 541110 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Skyworks Aeronautics

Answer: Skyworks Aeronautics's headquarters are located at 9980 S 300 W, Chicago, Illinois, 84070, United States

Answer: Skyworks Aeronautics's phone number is +13*********

Answer: Skyworks Aeronautics's official website is

Answer: Skyworks Aeronautics's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Skyworks Aeronautics's SIC: 4581

Answer: Skyworks Aeronautics's NAICS: 541110

Answer: Skyworks Aeronautics has 11-50 employees

Answer: Skyworks Aeronautics is in Aviation & Aerospace

Answer: Skyworks Aeronautics top competitors include: Bell Flight , Spirit AeroSystems

Answer: Skyworks Aeronautics contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:

Answer: Skyworks Aeronautics is the world leader in the science and technology of gyronautics, focusing on the design and development of high-performance gyroplanes. Using highly advanced technology and modern aerospace science, engineering, and design methods, we strive to make air travel safer, more cost-efficient and effective. Skyworks Aeronautics has been developing manned and unmanned vertical lift gyroplane technologies for more than two decades. These advanced sustained autorotative flight technologies enable aircraft to be both runway independent and economical, and yet remain unconstrained by the physics imposed speed, range, and payload limitations of a helicopter. After 25 years of research and development and more than 40 patents issued and more under application, Skyworks Aeronautics is the undisputed global leader in gyronautics the science of safety, simplicity, and sustainability applied practically to change the way people and goods move about the globe.


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