Telecommunications, Stevens CRK BLVD Ste 200, Cupertino, , 95014, California, 20813, United States, 201-500 Employees
Phone Number: +16*********
Who is SIGOS
#1 in testing and monitoring Worldwide 1,000 leading communication companies trust SIGOS to ensure best mobile experience and service quality. Secure business success with accurate billin...
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- Headquarters: 20813 Stevens CRK BLVD Ste 200, Cupertino, California, 95014, United States
- Employees: 201-500
- Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million
Industry: Telecommunications
SIC Code: 7389
SIGOS Org Chart and Mapping
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding SIGOS
Answer: SIGOS's headquarters are located at Stevens CRK BLVD Ste 200, Cupertino, , 95014, California, 20813, United States
Answer: SIGOS's phone number is +16*********
Answer: SIGOS's official website is
Answer: SIGOS's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million
Answer: SIGOS's SIC: 7389
Answer: SIGOS has 201-500 employees
Answer: SIGOS is in Telecommunications
Answer: SIGOS top competitors include: Mobileum
Answer: SIGOS contact info: Phone number: +16********* Website:
Answer: #1 in testing and monitoring Worldwide 1,000 leading communication companies trust SIGOS to ensure best mobile experience and service quality. Secure business success with accurate billing and fraud management. Drive future growth with best performing apps and innovations for happy subscribers and customers. Our solutions enable network operators, OTT content and solution providers, carriers, regulators and enterprise businesses to fully understand Quality of Service and Quality of Experience from an end-user perspective. Over 470 worldwide telecommunications customers, including the top 100 operators, as well as over 670 leading enterprise business benefit from our comprehensive range of scalable testing, monitoring, tracing and reporting solutions across the entire mobile industry value chain. SIGOS is headquartered in Nuremberg, Germany with offices in Belgium, Singapore and in the US. Based on a network of authorized partner companies and representations SIGOS is present in over 60 worldwide locations. --- QoS and QoE Testing: Our product SITE is the industrys most advanced test system available. Its architecture allows seamless integrating into existing network infrastructures from radio access to core, to ensure and improve best network performance. Revenue Assurance: The SIGOS RA represents a key element of the SITE system to test and verify tariffs, assure correct billing and detect any revenue leakages. Roaming and Interconnect: The worlds largest roaming testing infrastructure hosted by SIGOS, provides access to over 770 networks in more than 200 countries across the globe. Fraud Management: SIGOS TUV SUD BABT certified services to help you to detect interconnect bypass losses quickly and efficiently. App Experience: The industry's #1 app testing and app monitoring solution supporting the largest device bank including all latest iOS and Android devices. -
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