Sierra Canyon School

Sierra Canyon School

Primary And Secondary Education, Independence Ave, Chatsworth, , 91311, California, 11052, United States, 201-500 Employees

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Located on 35 beautiful, rustic acres in the Chatsworth neighborhood of the northwest San Fernando Valley, Sierra Canyon School is distinguished by its commitment to excellence in educati...

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  • 11052 Independence Ave, Chatsworth, California, 91311, United States Headquarters: 11052 Independence Ave, Chatsworth, California, 91311, United States
  • 1978 Date Founded: 1978
  • 201-500 Employees: 201-500
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $100 Million to $250 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Primary and Secondary Education

SIC SIC Code: 8211 | NAICS Code: 611110 | Show More

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Sierra Canyon School Org Chart and Mapping


Rene Llave

Spanish/French Teacher

Stacy Feliz

Manager of Parent and Alumni Outreach

Steve Burnett

Director of Student Advancement

Rory Sloan

Arts Department Chair, Architecture and Arts Educator

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sierra Canyon School

Answer: Sierra Canyon School's headquarters are located at Independence Ave, Chatsworth, , 91311, California, 11052, United States

Answer: Sierra Canyon School's phone number is 81********

Answer: Sierra Canyon School's official website is

Answer: Sierra Canyon School's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million

Answer: Sierra Canyon School's SIC: 8211

Answer: Sierra Canyon School's NAICS: 611110

Answer: Sierra Canyon School has 201-500 employees

Answer: Sierra Canyon School is in Primary and Secondary Education

Answer: Sierra Canyon School top competitors include: California Department of Education , ICEF Public Schools , Partnership for Los Angeles Schools

Answer: Sierra Canyon School contact info: Phone number: 81******** Website:

Answer: Located on 35 beautiful, rustic acres in the Chatsworth neighborhood of the northwest San Fernando Valley, Sierra Canyon School is distinguished by its commitment to excellence in education, the arts, and athletics, while preparing students to live and thrive in the twenty-first century. Sierra Canyon is a selective independent, nondenominational, coeducational day school in which students realize their greatest intellectual, creative, ethical, and physical promise. Our energized, attentive, and diverse student-teacher culture defines life on our two campuses: The Lower School, for students in Early Kindergarten through 6th Grade, is beautiful and provides the perfect setting for young children to discover the joys of learning, and The Upper School, for students in grades 7 through 12, which evokes a modern, collegiate setting where parents are proud to send their children. The educational programs of Sierra Canyon are grounded in the Liberal Arts tradition, yet flexible and able to adapt to the fast-changing world in which we live. Our faculty challenge and inspire students to pursue their passions whether they be in science, a foreign language, math, English, history, architecture, the visual, performing or fine arts, and athletics in nearly two dozen sports. Sierra Canyon students are encouraged to think, explore, and immerse themselves in the small classroom settings which will prepare them for life ready to make an impact on society and those around them.

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