Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network

Health, Wellness And Fitness, 486th Ave, Brooklyn, , 57026, New York, 21006, United States, 1-10 Employees

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About SCTPN The Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network (SCTPN) began as an adult support group in 1989. The organization was registered in New York State as a not-for-profit incorporati...

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  • 21006 486th Ave, Brooklyn, New York, 57026, United States Headquarters: 21006 486th Ave, Brooklyn, New York, 57026, United States
  • 1992 Date Founded: 1992
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Health, Wellness and Fitness

SIC SIC Code: 3523

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network

Answer: Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network's headquarters are located at 486th Ave, Brooklyn, , 57026, New York, 21006, United States

Answer: Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network's official website is

Answer: Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network's SIC: 3523

Answer: Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network has 1-10 employees

Answer: Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network is in Health, Wellness and Fitness

Answer: Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website:

Answer: About SCTPN The Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network (SCTPN) began as an adult support group in 1989. The organization was registered in New York State as a not-for-profit incorporation In April 1992 and received its tax-exemption status for the IRS shortly thereafter. Programs POES Forums Public Outreach & Education Services, to increase awareness, understanding, and empathy for children and adults living with sickle cell disease (SCD). POES also facilitates training for health care professionals (HCP) to help them acquire a better understanding of this metabolic disorder. Undergraduate Scholarship Program Providing financial assistance to young adults living with SCD interested in advancing their education. Scholarship recipients receive their awards each year of their undergraduate studies. Adolescent Transition Program SCTPN is partnering with Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, to develop and improve the Transition process for adolescent and young adults with inherited blood disorders from pediatric to adult medical care. This program is funded by a grant from PCORI. Care Coordination Program The Care Coordination Program is funded by a HRSA (Human Resource Services Administration) grant Administered by the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America (SCDAA) to assist Community-based Organizations (CBO) across the country with providing outreach services to individuals living with SCD, and their families. SCTPN can assist people with finding a qualified physician, a Medical Home, and other need services. Mission SCTPN is dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals and families living with sickle cell disease, thalassemia, and other inherited blood disorders. Through education, advocacy, and support interactions. The organization seeks to diminish the negative social, psychological, and economic impact these inherited blood disorders have on our community.

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