Shore Offshore Services

Shore Offshore Services

Oil & Energy, Egypt Ln Ste 901, Gibson, , 77354, Louisiana, 32731, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Shore Offshore Services is a offshore construction contractor that provides quality and unsurpassed service for the marine and energy industry. The company performs heavy lift, decommissi...

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  • 32731 Egypt Ln Ste 901, Gibson, Louisiana, 77354, United States Headquarters: 32731 Egypt Ln Ste 901, Gibson, Louisiana, 77354, United States
  • 2013 Date Founded: 2013
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Oil & Energy

SIC SIC Code: 3731

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Shore Offshore Services

Answer: Shore Offshore Services's headquarters are located at Egypt Ln Ste 901, Gibson, , 77354, Louisiana, 32731, United States

Answer: Shore Offshore Services's phone number is 28********

Answer: Shore Offshore Services's official website is

Answer: Shore Offshore Services's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Shore Offshore Services's SIC: 3731

Answer: Shore Offshore Services has 11-50 employees

Answer: Shore Offshore Services is in Oil & Energy

Answer: Shore Offshore Services top competitors include: BISSO MARINE , Koil Energy , MORRISON Energy

Answer: Shore Offshore Services contact info: Phone number: 28******** Website:

Answer: Shore Offshore Services is a offshore construction contractor that provides quality and unsurpassed service for the marine and energy industry. The company performs heavy lift, decommissioning, platform installations, wind farm installations, salvage, thruster swaps / removals, pipeline removal, pipeline burial services, and accommodations / flotel work throughout the world. Shore Offshore's capable fleet of derrick barges, excellence in safety, experienced personnel, and performance combine to get any job done!


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