Shelter House, Iowa City

Shelter House, Iowa City

Civic & Social Organization, 429 Southgate Ave, City, Iowa, 52240, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Shelter House is a non-profit organization that has provided housing and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness since 1983. Founded by the Consultation of Religious Commu...

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  • 429 Southgate Ave, Iowa City, Iowa, 52240, United States Headquarters: 429 Southgate Ave, Iowa City, Iowa, 52240, United States
  • 1983 Date Founded: 1983
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Civic & Social Organization

SIC SIC Code: 8322 | NAICS Code: 813110 | Show More

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Shelter House, Iowa City Org Chart and Mapping


Clairissa Jones

Permanent Supportive Housing Case Manager

Kristen Charette

Permanent Supportive Housing Vista

John Posey

Housing Case Manager

Erin Sullivan

Housing Services Director

Finch Vandyk

Social Services Coordinator

Emma Markowski

Permanent Supportive Housing Case Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Shelter House, Iowa City

Answer: Shelter House, Iowa City's headquarters are located at 429 Southgate Ave, City, Iowa, 52240, United States

Answer: Shelter House, Iowa City's phone number is +17*********

Answer: Shelter House, Iowa City's official website is

Answer: Shelter House, Iowa City's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Shelter House, Iowa City's SIC: 8322

Answer: Shelter House, Iowa City's NAICS: 813110

Answer: Shelter House, Iowa City has 11-50 employees

Answer: Shelter House, Iowa City is in Civic & Social Organization

Answer: Shelter House, Iowa City contact info: Phone number: +17********* Website:

Answer: Shelter House is a non-profit organization that has provided housing and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness since 1983. Founded by the Consultation of Religious Communities, we worked with the City of Iowa City to purchase a home in Iowa Citys north side where we were able to provide 29 sleeping spaces including beds, couches, and mats on the floor for men, women, and children. In 1994, with additional funding support from our community, we added a baseline of services to help people address the issues that had brought them to our front door. From that point forward, we have continued to develop and grow. Todays Shelter House is so much more than a roof and a bed. We offer a robust continuum of programs and supports focusing on emergency, stabilization, and long-term interventions in the areas of housing, employment, and mental health recovery. In so doing, we help hundreds of men, women and children each year to get back on their feet. We keep children in school, help men and women get back to work, assist people with disabilities and elderly to access benefits and health care, and move individuals and families into their own homes. Simply put, our mission is to provide safe shelter and help people improve the quality of their lives as they move beyond homelessness.

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