Serrato Corporation

Serrato Corporation

Education Management, 135 W Council St, Tucson, Arizona, 85701, United States, 51-200 Employees

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SERRATO CORPORATION is a veteran-owned, Hispanic, small business founded on the premise that the foundation of a good business is the effective delivery of services. Serrato is completely...

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industries-icon Industry: Education Management

SIC SIC Code: 7361 | NAICS Code: 561990 | Show More

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Serrato Corporation Org Chart and Mapping

Ramon Serrato

Chief Executive Officer

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Serrato Corporation

Answer: Serrato Corporation's headquarters are located at 135 W Council St, Tucson, Arizona, 85701, United States

Answer: Serrato Corporation's phone number is 20**********

Answer: Serrato Corporation's official website is

Answer: Serrato Corporation's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Serrato Corporation's SIC: 7361

Answer: Serrato Corporation's NAICS: 561990

Answer: Serrato Corporation has 51-200 employees

Answer: Serrato Corporation is in Education Management

Answer: Serrato Corporation contact info: Phone number: 20********** Website:

Answer: SERRATO CORPORATION is a veteran-owned, Hispanic, small business founded on the premise that the foundation of a good business is the effective delivery of services. Serrato is completely dedicated to delivering quality education and training services to our expanding clientele. Through leadership, partnerships, and a focused business plan, we have developed a solid reputation as a top-notch service provider to government agencies, commercial businesses, and academic institutions. Serrato Corporation provides over 20 years of experience in training and educational support services associated with the U.S. Army, United States Marine Corp, Department of Labor (Job Corps), Missouri, Virginia, and Wisconsin public schools systems, and with other commercial programs. The fundamental approach of Serrato Corporation is to provide the best training management in partnership with our customers to achieve their vision and goals. Serrato Corporation is a training and education company, with the vision and mission to revolutionize education; spearhead lifelong learning cultures to vigorously promote lifelong learning opportunities, and to strengthen the competitive edge of individuals into the 21st century workforce through quality self-development programs and services


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