Seeker Entertainment

Seeker Entertainment

Computer Games, W Olympic BLVD, Los Angeles, , 90064, California, 12333, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Seeker is a video game studio helping players build lifelong friendships through joyful play. We set out to make games worthy of earning players' love, games that will warm hearts and cha...

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industries-icon Industry: Computer Games

SIC SIC Code: 2741 | NAICS Code: 511210 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Seeker Entertainment

Answer: Seeker Entertainment's headquarters are located at W Olympic BLVD, Los Angeles, , 90064, California, 12333, United States

Answer: Seeker Entertainment's phone number is +13*********

Answer: Seeker Entertainment's official website is

Answer: Seeker Entertainment's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Seeker Entertainment's SIC: 2741

Answer: Seeker Entertainment's NAICS: 511210

Answer: Seeker Entertainment has 1-10 employees

Answer: Seeker Entertainment is in Computer Games

Answer: Seeker Entertainment contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:

Answer: Seeker is a video game studio helping players build lifelong friendships through joyful play. We set out to make games worthy of earning players' love, games that will warm hearts and challenge minds, and bring people together to forge strong and lasting relationships. And great games can only be made by great teams. Teams who are in it for no other reason but to make something amazing for players and really understand the audience they serve - because they are a part of that audience. Teams humble enough to never take anything for granted but ambitious enough to take the bets that others are afraid of. Teams that aim to win and are unafraid to leverage their talent to do it. Teams that are kind and have each others backs even as they fearlessly debate each other in search of truth, not comfort. Teams full of SEEKERS who never settle for adequate, and do it with heart.


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