Secor Cares

Non Profit Organization Management, Pne Ln, Parker, , 80134, Colorado, 17151, United States, 1-10 Employees

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SECORCares is a 501c3 non-profit located in Parker, CO, but serving Arapahoe, Douglas and Elbert counties. Our mission is to help those struggling with suburban poverty. The loss of a job...

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industries-icon Industry: Non Profit Organization Management

SIC SIC Code: 7373

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding SECOR Cares

Answer: SECOR Cares's headquarters are located at Pne Ln, Parker, , 80134, Colorado, 17151, United States

Answer: SECOR Cares's phone number is 72********

Answer: SECOR Cares's official website is

Answer: SECOR Cares's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: SECOR Cares's SIC: 7373

Answer: SECOR Cares has 1-10 employees

Answer: SECOR Cares is in Non Profit Organization Management

Answer: SECOR Cares contact info: Phone number: 72******** Website:

Answer: SECORCares is a 501c3 non-profit located in Parker, CO, but serving Arapahoe, Douglas and Elbert counties. Our mission is to help those struggling with suburban poverty. The loss of a job, divorce, mounting medical bills, underemployment-things that happen every day in our communitycan devastate a once comfortable home and family, and thrust them into suburban poverty. SECORCares offers a free food market where our guests can "shop" for their families and select those foods that they enjoy. We also assist with financial assistance, legal aid, counseling, job search assistance and more, all with the goal of helping our guests get back to self-sufficiency again. Most importantly, we offer community, and help restore dignity and hope in their lives! As part of our outreach, we offer other programs as well to our community. o Food for Thought is our weekend backpack program where we partner with schools to provide bags of food to children on free or reduced lunch programs, or who are otherwise food insecure. o Our Mobile Market is just that, our market on wheels! Fresh fruits and veggies, meat, dairy and non-perishables can be driven to virtually any location and will feed ~100 families for 2 weeks. o Community of Hope is a program offered to our guests who would like some life coaching/life management assistance, including personal or financial counseling. How can you help? Donations-both monetary and food are always in need. Volunteer-in the market, the warehouse, driving, packing bags, Events, etc. Events-participate with us at one of our events throughout the year and help us raise much needed funds. Spread the Word-Please share who we are and what we do with everyone! The person standing in front of you may need SECORs help, but may be reluctant to tell you. By sharing our story, our mission, you could be the difference between their continued struggle and self-sufficiency. Speak up, even if they dont!

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