Seattle City Rotaract
Civic & Social Organization, 1326 5th Ave, Seattle, Washington, 98101, United States, 11-50 Employees
Phone Number: +16*********
Seattle City Rotaract is made up of young professionals ages 21+ in the Seattle Metro area who are interested in leadership, professional development, community service, and having fun. W...
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Headquarters: 1326 5th Ave, Seattle, Washington, 98101, United States
Employees: 11-50
Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million
Industry: Civic & Social Organization
SIC Code: 8641
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Seattle City Rotaract
Answer: Seattle City Rotaract's headquarters are located at 1326 5th Ave, Seattle, Washington, 98101, United States
Answer: Seattle City Rotaract's phone number is +16*********
Answer: Seattle City Rotaract's official website is
Answer: Seattle City Rotaract's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million
Answer: Seattle City Rotaract's SIC: 8641
Answer: Seattle City Rotaract has 11-50 employees
Answer: Seattle City Rotaract is in Civic & Social Organization
Answer: Seattle City Rotaract contact info: Phone number: +16********* Website:
Answer: Seattle City Rotaract is made up of young professionals ages 21+ in the Seattle Metro area who are interested in leadership, professional development, community service, and having fun. Were part of a global community of young adults taking action for positive change. Seattle City Rotaract strives to be the friendliest place in Seattle. Participating in Seattle City Rotaract meetings and events are a great way to meet and make friends with other young professionals who are dedicated to creating positive change in their community, while enjoying happy hour of course. Members also have the opportunity to attend Rotaract and Rotary conferences across the country and around the world. As a part of an international organization, no matter where you go, youll always find Rotaractors and Rotarians to connect with there. "Rotary in Action". Rotaract is a group made up of young professionals interested in leadership, professional development, community service, and having fun. Rotaract members identify needs in our community and work to fill them, by proposing, planning, and carrying out ideas for service projects both locally and internationally. From sorting food at food banks, to planting trees at local parks, and sorting textbooks to send to South Africa, Rotaractors regularly participate in a wide variety of service projects and make great friends along the way .
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