S.B. Clark Companies

S.B. Clark Companies

Financial Services, 999 18th St, Denver, Colorado, 80202, United States, 1-10 Employees


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S.B. Clark Companies is a national, woman-owned public finance consulting firm located in Denver, Colorado. Since its formation in 2001, S.B. Clark Companies has grown a significant pract...

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industries-icon Industry: Financial Services

SIC SIC Code: 6282 | NAICS Code: 999990 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding S.B. Clark Companies

Answer: S.B. Clark Companies's headquarters are located at 999 18th St, Denver, Colorado, 80202, United States

Answer: S.B. Clark Companies's phone number is +16*********

Answer: S.B. Clark Companies's official website is https://sbclarkinc.com

Answer: S.B. Clark Companies's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: S.B. Clark Companies's SIC: 6282

Answer: S.B. Clark Companies's NAICS: 999990

Answer: S.B. Clark Companies has 1-10 employees

Answer: S.B. Clark Companies is in Financial Services

Answer: S.B. Clark Companies contact info: Phone number: +16********* Website: https://sbclarkinc.com

Answer: S.B. Clark Companies is a national, woman-owned public finance consulting firm located in Denver, Colorado. Since its formation in 2001, S.B. Clark Companies has grown a significant practice representing clients in affordable housing, New Markets and Housing tax credits, and tax-exempt finance transactions. Our expertise includes but is not limited to: Facilitating successful New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) financing for commercial projects in low-income communities, including: securing tax credit allocation from community development entities (CDEs), negotiating an advantageous financing structure for the project, and working with investors and lenders to secure investment and leverage debt; Applying for and using both 4% and 9% competitive low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC) to finance affordable housing developments. Our firm provides financial modeling and follow-through support in securing debt and equity for these projects; Creating proforma financial modeling and facilitating closings for HUD housing developments, including Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) projects, Mixed Finance, disposition/disposal of public housing, and Choice Neighborhood projects; Advising on tax-exempt and taxable bond issues, including advertised public sale, competitive direct placement and negotiated public offering formats; and Evaluating and recommending refinancing opportunities including defeasance of existing bonds prior to call date. Our clients include state and local governmental entities, public housing authorities, not-for-profit corporations such as affordable housing and human service providers, educational institutions, and healthcare providers as well as for-profit developers working in low income communities.


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