
Airlines And Aviation, 10th St, El Segundo, , 50671, California, 11426, United States, 201-500 Employees

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phone no Phone Number: 31********

Who is SATCO

SATCO is a family owned and operated manufacturing business that prides itself on building strong and lasting relationships with it customers, many of whom rank among the largest cargo ai...

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industries-icon Industry: Airlines and Aviation

SIC SIC Code: 2448 | NAICS Code: 423860 | Show More

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SATCO Org Chart and Mapping


Javier Negrete

Assembler for Air Cargo Containers

Vince Voong

Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

Ryan Jones

Mechanical Technician

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding SATCO

Answer: SATCO's headquarters are located at 10th St, El Segundo, , 50671, California, 11426, United States

Answer: SATCO's phone number is 31********

Answer: SATCO's official website is

Answer: SATCO's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: SATCO's SIC: 2448

Answer: SATCO's NAICS: 423860

Answer: SATCO has 201-500 employees

Answer: SATCO is in Airlines and Aviation

Answer: SATCO top competitors include: ACL Airshop , Unilode Aviation Solutions

Answer: SATCO contact info: Phone number: 31******** Website:

Answer: SATCO is a family owned and operated manufacturing business that prides itself on building strong and lasting relationships with it customers, many of whom rank among the largest cargo airlines in the world. We design, engineer, manufacture, and maintain ULDs or unit load devices for main and lower decks of commercial narrow and wide body aircrafts. Our passion for innovation is what keeps us relevant and in the forefront in the industry we serve. Customer satisfaction is the experience we ultimately want to achieve with every client we support.


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