Santa Fe New Mexican

Santa Fe New Mexican

Newspapers, Po Box 2048, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87504, United States, 51-200 Employees

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As the newspaper of record for the cultural and political capital of New Mexico, The Santa Fe New Mexican has won numerous awards for its editorial excellence, community involvement, and ...

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  • Po Box 2048, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87504, United States Headquarters: Po Box 2048, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87504, United States
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million

industries-icon Industry: Newspapers

SIC SIC Code: 2711 | NAICS Code: 511110 | Show More

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Taura Costidis

Associate Art Director, Pasatiempo

John Roby

Copy Editor and Designer

Wendy Redic

Director of Financial Services

Trina Thomas

Digital Marketing Specialist

Brian Barker

Deputy Managing Editor

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Santa Fe New Mexican

Answer: Santa Fe New Mexican's headquarters are located at Po Box 2048, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87504, United States

Answer: Santa Fe New Mexican's phone number is +13*********

Answer: Santa Fe New Mexican's official website is

Answer: Santa Fe New Mexican's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Santa Fe New Mexican's SIC: 2711

Answer: Santa Fe New Mexican's NAICS: 511110

Answer: Santa Fe New Mexican has 51-200 employees

Answer: Santa Fe New Mexican is in Newspapers

Answer: Santa Fe New Mexican contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:

Answer: As the newspaper of record for the cultural and political capital of New Mexico, The Santa Fe New Mexican has won numerous awards for its editorial excellence, community involvement, and design, and has a paid print circulation of 20K+ and website/digital readership with more than 1.75 Million unique visitors each month. Strong statehouse and arts and culture coverage, solid social media and engaging live blogs have made The New Mexican a leading news and information resource for northern New Mexico. Founded in 1847, The New Mexican is one of the oldest newspaper west of the Mississippi and is privately owned. Along with the daily paper, The New Mexican prints a number of "magazines" that inform the public about resources and happenings, ranging from resources for kids' summer fun to cancer treatment options to the latest in globally recognized entertainment. Pasatiempo, The Santa Fe New Mexican's ubiquitous arts and entertainment Friday magazine, has been covering northern New Mexicos active and high impact arts industry for nearly three decades. Pasatiempo's original editorial content includes a mix of stories and reviews for music, dance, theater, books, films, architecture, restaurants, galleries and museum exhibitions ensures that it is the "go to" guide for residents and visitors alike. The New Mexicans commercial printing operation prints more than 25 publications, including our sister paper, The Taos News, and the daily New York Times. Our state-of-the-art printing facility boasts 3 presses and runs 24 hours a day. Honors include the Inland Press Associations first place quality printing award and recognition from the New York Times as a TOP 3 Print Site for both quality and on-time delivery nation-wide and more. And more. The New Mexican is embedded in the culture of New Mexico and helps to preserve and highlight the many aspects of the diversity of what is New Mexico.


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