San Marino Aircraft Registry

San Marino Aircraft Registry

Airlines And Aviation, 4301 Sw 36th St, Dogana, Florida, 33023, United States, 1-10 Employees

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The Republic of San Marino is a landlocked sovereign State located in the northeastern part of the Italian peninsula. The San Marino Aircraft Registry is open for private, corporate and c...

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  • 4301 Sw 36th St, Dogana, Florida, 33023, United States Headquarters: 4301 Sw 36th St, Dogana, Florida, 33023, United States
  • 2001 Date Founded: 2001
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

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Jorge Marinakis

Founder & Executive Chairman

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding San Marino Aircraft Registry

Answer: San Marino Aircraft Registry's headquarters are located at 4301 Sw 36th St, Dogana, Florida, 33023, United States

Answer: San Marino Aircraft Registry's phone number is +37***********

Answer: San Marino Aircraft Registry's official website is

Answer: San Marino Aircraft Registry's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: San Marino Aircraft Registry has 1-10 employees

Answer: San Marino Aircraft Registry is in Airlines and Aviation

Answer: San Marino Aircraft Registry contact info: Phone number: +37*********** Website:

Answer: The Republic of San Marino is a landlocked sovereign State located in the northeastern part of the Italian peninsula. The San Marino Aircraft Registry is open for private, corporate and commercial air transport operations. San Marino Aircraft Registry a global leader in Aircraft Registration Services is well positioned to assist aircraft owners realise the fiscal and operational benefits of the T7-Register. Our administrative, management and technical staff has the experience and expertise to service and safeguard your aircraft operation from day one. Our Aircraft Registration Officers and CAA officials efficiently manage the many day-to-day tasks and responsibilities involving private and commercial aircraft whilst ensuring compliance with all legal and regulatory issues. We recognise the importance of service excellence and accurate reporting to our clients. Our experienced team has fine-tuned their approach to deliver a service that inspires confidence and comfort in all aspects of ownership and fiscal administration of aircraft. We are aware that aircraft operators need a timely response and action on all regulatory issues and our team is available to respond, whenever required, to the various matters that can arise from day-to-day operations. An aircraft registered in San Marino shall be exempted from taxation or import duties if the fixed-wing aircraft maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) exceeds 5,700kgs. On the other hand turbine helicopters are tax and import duty exempt regardless of their MTOW. The entire registration process is straightforward and can be accomplished in 1 to 3 business days following the airworthiness inspection of the aircraft, a review of its records and the completion of any action if required. Eligibility for Registration San Marino has created a legal framework that offers aircraft owners flexibility in the ownership and operation of aircraft by foreign individuals and corporate entity.

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