Same As U
Hospital & Health Care, Promise Rd, Noblesville, , 46060, Indiana, 19201, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +13*********
Who is SAME AS U
Same As U is a nonprofit organization committed to helping young adults with developmental disabilities live the life they imagine. Same As U envisions a world where young adults with dev...
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- Headquarters: 19201 Promise Rd, Noblesville, Indiana, 46060, United States
- Date Founded: 2020
- Employees: 1-10
- Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
- Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Hospital & Health Care
SIC Code: 7941
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Same As U
Answer: Same As U's headquarters are located at Promise Rd, Noblesville, , 46060, Indiana, 19201, United States
Answer: Same As U's phone number is +13*********
Answer: Same As U's official website is
Answer: Same As U's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million
Answer: Same As U's SIC: 7941
Answer: Same As U has 1-10 employees
Answer: Same As U is in Hospital & Health Care
Answer: Same As U contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:
Answer: Same As U is a nonprofit organization committed to helping young adults with developmental disabilities live the life they imagine. Same As U envisions a world where young adults with developmental disabilities experience a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Set in a college-like setting, we are filling a need for more meaningful activities and programming that often stop upon leaving the school system. Same As U provides continuing education, recreational, social and life skill training while fostering friendships and a sense of community.
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