Rx Star Staffing Agency
Staffing And Recruiting, 300 Pershing Ave, Shenandoah, Iowa, 51601, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +17*********
We created RxStar Staffing for two main reasons: We want to provide our clients with the most ambitious, experienced and motivated travel nurses out there! And we want to offer our travel...
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Headquarters: 300 Pershing Ave, Shenandoah, Iowa, 51601, United States
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million
Industry: Staffing and Recruiting
SIC Code: 8011; 8043; 8051
NAICS Code: 621399 |
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding RxStar Staffing Agency
Answer: RxStar Staffing Agency's headquarters are located at 300 Pershing Ave, Shenandoah, Iowa, 51601, United States
Answer: RxStar Staffing Agency's phone number is +17*********
Answer: RxStar Staffing Agency's official website is https://rxstarstaffing.com
Answer: RxStar Staffing Agency's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million
Answer: RxStar Staffing Agency's SIC: 8011; 8043; 8051
Answer: RxStar Staffing Agency's NAICS: 621399
Answer: RxStar Staffing Agency has 1-10 employees
Answer: RxStar Staffing Agency is in Staffing and Recruiting
Answer: RxStar Staffing Agency contact info: Phone number: +17********* Website: https://rxstarstaffing.com
Answer: We created RxStar Staffing for two main reasons: We want to provide our clients with the most ambitious, experienced and motivated travel nurses out there! And we want to offer our travelers with the highest compensation packages! We are one of the first travel nursing agencies created by travel nurses for travel nurses. We understand how frustrating and complex pay packages can be, so weve eliminated that by simplifying the way nurses get paid. At RxStar Staffing nurses arent offered retirement, insurance, and dental, instead nurses pay packages are maxed out which allows you to spend your money the way you want to. As a travel nurse, I have never relied on an agency for my retirement or my insurance. Those are things that I would always have on my own. Personally, Ive always just wanted a larger pay package instead of all the perks. When creating RxStar Staffing, we applied those same principles to our business model. Its your hard-earned money, so spend it how you want.
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