Rose Acre Farms

Rose Acre Farms

Food Production, 6874 N Base Rd, Seymour, Indiana, 47274, United States, 1001-5000 Employees

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Rose Acre Farms is currently the second largest egg producer in the US with 15 laying facilities in seven states. We provide a range of commodity shell eggs, specialty eggs, and egg produ...

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  • 6874 N Base Rd, Seymour, Indiana, 47274, United States Headquarters: 6874 N Base Rd, Seymour, Indiana, 47274, United States
  • 1001-5000 Employees: 1001-5000
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $100 Million to $250 Million

industries-icon Industry: Food Production

SIC SIC Code: 0251 | NAICS Code: 111998 | Show More

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Tim Lush

Corporate Egg Products Manager

Spencer Roberts

In-House Graphic Designer & Marketing Coordinator

Annabel Naditz

Corporate Microbiologist

Manny Benitez

Corporate Live Production Lab Specialist

Caitlin Beverstock

Human Resources Payroll Specialist

Todd Vogel

Research and Development

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rose Acre Farms

Answer: Rose Acre Farms's headquarters are located at 6874 N Base Rd, Seymour, Indiana, 47274, United States

Answer: Rose Acre Farms's phone number is 81********

Answer: Rose Acre Farms's official website is

Answer: Rose Acre Farms's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million

Answer: Rose Acre Farms's SIC: 0251

Answer: Rose Acre Farms's NAICS: 111998

Answer: Rose Acre Farms has 1001-5000 employees

Answer: Rose Acre Farms is in Food Production

Answer: Rose Acre Farms contact info: Phone number: 81******** Website:

Answer: Rose Acre Farms is currently the second largest egg producer in the US with 15 laying facilities in seven states. We provide a range of commodity shell eggs, specialty eggs, and egg products. Our top priority is to produce the highest quality products with the utmost regard for food safety. As far back as the 1930s, the Rust family began egg production with the largest hen house in Jackson County during that period. The population surge of the 1940s and 1950s initiated a need for farm commodities in major metropolitan areas. Beginning in the 1950s, construction had begun on the first modern chicken houses in Seymour, Indiana. Egg sales were made throughout the local area and regular trips were made to the Indianapolis Farmers Market from the main farms in southern Indiana. As consumer needs changed during the 1980s and 1990s, so did the variety of egg products offered by Rose Acre Farms. As we moved toward the close of the century, Rose Acre Farms had established plants in Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Georgia and North Carolina. In addition, two plants in Illinois followed shortly into the twenty first century. From a small handful of employees in the 1950s to over 1820 today, Rose Acre Farms continues to remain on the cutting edge of this ever-changing industry. Remaining the largest family-owned egg producer in the United States, continued innovation and market demand promise a bright future for our employees and customers.

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