

Religious Institutions, 176 W 105th St, New York, 10025, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Romemu is attempting to transform the way Judaism is practiced and experienced by infusing aspects of Eastern spiritual practices with traditional Orthodox influences, so the taam or tast...

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  • 176 W 105th St, New York, New York, 10025, United States Headquarters: 176 W 105th St, New York, New York, 10025, United States
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million

industries-icon Industry: Religious Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 8661 | NAICS Code: 813110 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Romemu

Answer: Romemu's headquarters are located at 176 W 105th St, New York, 10025, United States

Answer: Romemu's phone number is 21********

Answer: Romemu's official website is

Answer: Romemu's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Romemu's SIC: 8661

Answer: Romemu's NAICS: 813110

Answer: Romemu has 11-50 employees

Answer: Romemu is in Religious Institutions

Answer: Romemu contact info: Phone number: 21******** Website:

Answer: Romemu is attempting to transform the way Judaism is practiced and experienced by infusing aspects of Eastern spiritual practices with traditional Orthodox influences, so the taam or taste is unmistakably Jewish. Committed to powerful prayer and transformative spiritual practices, Romemu attempts to engage the heart, mind and body in everything we do, helping us to foster greater levels of compassion. We believe that Judaism offers spiritual seekers and skeptics alike a path that celebrates our wholeness and provides practical, grounded ways to heal our brokenness. We are committed to helping to birth a post-denominational Judaism that transcends ideologies and labels, that is joy-based and contemplative, ecstatic and reverential, connected to our tradition, yet open to truth, wherever it is found. What is Romemu? ...a welcoming home where men and women participate equally and fully in song, dance, learning and praying oasis in New York City where you can focus on your heart and catch your breath ...a place where we chant Hebrew prayers together, sing powerful wordless melodies, and have moments of deep silence ...a space that honors insights and practices found in many eastern spiritual paths, and that offers meditation and yoga within a deeply Jewish practice ...a center dedicated to a Yiddishkeit Judaism that opens body, heart, mind and spirit to experience greater compassion, courage, and joy in our lives. Romemu (rohmehmoo) seeks to integrate body, mind, and soul in Jewish practice. Unabashedly eclectic, we engage in body practices like yoga, infuse traditional liturgy with the energy of ecstatic chant, and ground our practice with meditation and contemplation. This is a Judaism that will ignite your Spirit. We are a progressive, fully egalitarian community committed to tikkun olam, or social action, and to service that flows from an identification with the sacredness of all life.

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