Rock the Vote

Rock The Vote

Political Organization, 1440 G St Nw, , District of Columbia, Washington, 20005, United States, 11-50 Employees

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In 1990, music executives founded Rock the Vote in response to the censorship of hip-hop and rap artists. Our first partnership, with MTV, promoted the message that Censorship is Un-Ameri...

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  • 1440 G St Nw, Washington, District of Columbia, 20005, United States Headquarters: 1440 G St Nw, Washington, District of Columbia, 20005, United States
  • 1990 Date Founded: 1990
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Political Organization

SIC SIC Code: 8699 | NAICS Code: 813990 | Show More

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Rock the Vote Org Chart and Mapping


Katie Romero

Digital Content Coordinator & Intern Program Manager

Seliah McCasland

Arizona State Coordinator

Carolyn Dewitt

President, Executive Director

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rock the Vote

Answer: Rock the Vote's headquarters are located at 1440 G St Nw, , District of Columbia, Washington, 20005, United States

Answer: Rock the Vote's phone number is +15*********

Answer: Rock the Vote's official website is

Answer: Rock the Vote's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Rock the Vote's SIC: 8699

Answer: Rock the Vote's NAICS: 813990

Answer: Rock the Vote has 11-50 employees

Answer: Rock the Vote is in Political Organization

Answer: Rock the Vote contact info: Phone number: +15********* Website:

Answer: In 1990, music executives founded Rock the Vote in response to the censorship of hip-hop and rap artists. Our first partnership, with MTV, promoted the message that Censorship is Un-American and activated millions of young people across the country to exercise their rights and represent their interests. For thirty years, we have continuously adapted to the changing landscapes of media, technology and culture to breakthrough and empower each new generation. We are drawing on our decades of experience to deploy the most effective and impactful messages, tactics, and technology to uplift and empower the largest, most diverse generation in U.S. history. We do this while also pioneering innovative ways to make democratic participation more accessible and defending young peoples right to vote. The challenges young voters face as new voters are not insurmountable. Our efforts focus on research-driven programs and innovative solutions to right the system and ensure each youth generation is represented in our democracy.


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