Risk Program Administrators

Risk Program Administrators

Insurance, 2850 Golf Rd, Rolling Meadows, Illinois, 60008, United States, 201-500 Employees


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RPA's structure means we can tailor ourselves to be of the highest and best service to you, our client. We provide an unparalleled blend of risk program administration and related service...

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  • 2850 Golf Rd, Rolling Meadows, Illinois, 60008, United States Headquarters: 2850 Golf Rd, Rolling Meadows, Illinois, 60008, United States
  • 1995 Date Founded: 1995
  • 201-500 Employees: 201-500
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Billion and Over
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Insurance

SIC SIC Code: 7349; 8221

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Annette Reap

Senior Account Manager

Tracy Foss

Senior Program Director

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Risk Program Administrators

Answer: Risk Program Administrators's headquarters are located at 2850 Golf Rd, Rolling Meadows, Illinois, 60008, United States

Answer: Risk Program Administrators's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Risk Program Administrators's official website is https://rpadmin.com

Answer: Risk Program Administrators's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Risk Program Administrators's SIC: 7349; 8221

Answer: Risk Program Administrators has 201-500 employees

Answer: Risk Program Administrators is in Insurance

Answer: Risk Program Administrators contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website: https://rpadmin.com

Answer: RPA's structure means we can tailor ourselves to be of the highest and best service to you, our client. We provide an unparalleled blend of risk program administration and related services. Our extensive network pairs over four decades of experience, cutting-edge knowledge of emerging risks and industry-leading data to bring you customized, innovative solutions. From pools to programs, full administrative services to a la carte options, weve got this. Some specific ways weve helped pools and programs include: Program administration ERM and strategic planning Risk management Coverage placement and design Member services Accounting services Vendor management Staff augmentation We are proud supporters of: AGRiP Association of Governmental Risk Pools CAJPA California Association of Joint Powers Authorities PRIMA Public Risk Management Association Our mission and vision We exist to ensure the vitality of public entity risk pooling and risk management programs by delivering forward-thinking services tailored to each programs specific needs. We provide strategic guidance, industry expertise and custom services to advance public and private entity risk programs.


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