

Construction, 4041 Essen Ln, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70809, United States, 1001-5000 Employees

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Repcon, founded in 1983, is an industry-leading industrial contractor and performs new construction, capital projects, turnarounds, specialty welding, and pipe fabrication services to the...

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  • 4041 Essen Ln, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70809, United States Headquarters: 4041 Essen Ln, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70809, United States
  • 1001-5000 Employees: 1001-5000
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $250 Million to $500 Million

industries-icon Industry: Construction

SIC SIC Code: 1521 | NAICS Code: 236118 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Repcon

Answer: Repcon's headquarters are located at 4041 Essen Ln, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70809, United States

Answer: Repcon's phone number is 80********

Answer: Repcon's official website is

Answer: Repcon's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million

Answer: Repcon's SIC: 1521

Answer: Repcon's NAICS: 236118

Answer: Repcon has 1001-5000 employees

Answer: Repcon is in Construction

Answer: Repcon contact info: Phone number: 80******** Website:

Answer: Repcon, founded in 1983, is an industry-leading industrial contractor and performs new construction, capital projects, turnarounds, specialty welding, and pipe fabrication services to the refining, renewables, chemical, petrochemical, and midstream industries. Additionally, we offer a wide variety of specialized technical services including furnace/heater services, heat exchanger services, tower field services, torquing, and field machining services. With offices throughout the Gulf Coast, our teams execute construction and turnaround projects in diverse areas across the country. As an industrial general contractor, we offer complete construction management, planning, and execution services, including subcontractor management. Our project management teams utilize detailed estimating, planning, and project control systems which features cutting-edge software. Repcons core commitment to safety is exemplified by our extraordinary safety record and recognition as the first general mechanical contractor to achieve the OSHA VPP STAR Mobile Contractor designation. To maintain this commitment, we support our employeesfrom administrative personnel and supervisors to craftspeople and technical groupswith an Employee Development Program designed to help them receive the finest, research-supported training the industry has to offer.


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