Remote Health
Medical Practice, Greensboro, North Carolina, United States, 11-50 Employees
Founded in 2019 by Dr. Michelle Schmerge and Dr. Heather Smith, Remote Health provides patients access to high-quality care, anywhere. The team is comprised of highly qualified nurse prac...
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- Headquarters: Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
- Date Founded: 2019
- Employees: 11-50
- Revenue: Under $1 Million
- Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Medical Practice
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Remote Health
Answer: Remote Health's headquarters are located at Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
Answer: Remote Health's official website is
Answer: Remote Health's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: Remote Health has 11-50 employees
Answer: Remote Health is in Medical Practice
Answer: Remote Health contact info: Phone number: Website:
Answer: Founded in 2019 by Dr. Michelle Schmerge and Dr. Heather Smith, Remote Health provides patients access to high-quality care, anywhere. The team is comprised of highly qualified nurse practitioners, nurses, and therapists, who offer primary care to patients 13 years and older. Patients can receive comprehensive care in the clinic, in patient homes, virtually, or at local pop-up clinics in the Greensboro and Charlotte areas. Remote Health is defragmenting a siloed system by providing accessible care, care navigation, and advanced care planning. Our approach is changing the healthcare model with outcomes of reduced hospitalizations and ER visits, as well as an increase in overall patient and employee satisfaction.
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