Red River Commodities

Red River Commodities

Food & Beverages, Fargo, North Dakota, United States, 201-500 Employees

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We exist to bring natural food products and ingredients of the highest quality to the global marketplace. Red River Commodities is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amsterdam Commodities N.V.,...

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  • Fargo, North Dakota, United States Headquarters: Fargo, North Dakota, United States
  • 201-500 Employees: 201-500
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million

industries-icon Industry: Food & Beverages

SIC SIC Code: 5099 | NAICS Code: 423990 | Show More

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Red River Commodities Org Chart and Mapping


Amy Clark

Quality Assurance Manager

Jason Thompson

Director of Quality Assurance

Mike Boyes

Industrial Sales Manager, Fi Division

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  • 51-200 51-200
  • 10 Million to 25 Million $ 10 Million to 25 Million

Border States

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  • 250 Million to 500 Million $ 250 Million to 500 Million


  • 5001-10000 5001-10000
  • 1 Billion and Over $ 1 Billion and Over
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Red River Commodities

Answer: Red River Commodities's headquarters are located at Fargo, North Dakota, United States

Answer: Red River Commodities's phone number is +18*********

Answer: Red River Commodities's official website is

Answer: Red River Commodities's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Red River Commodities's SIC: 5099

Answer: Red River Commodities's NAICS: 423990

Answer: Red River Commodities has 201-500 employees

Answer: Red River Commodities is in Food & Beverages

Answer: Red River Commodities top competitors include: Anchor Ingredients Company , Border States , Marvin

Answer: Red River Commodities contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:

Answer: We exist to bring natural food products and ingredients of the highest quality to the global marketplace. Red River Commodities is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amsterdam Commodities N.V., a publicly traded entity based in Rotterdam, Netherlands that sources, trades and distributes natural food products and ingredients to customers across the globe. Red River Commodities specializes mainly in confectionary sunflower seeds, both in-shell and kernels, and other specialty crops. It operates from five different US sites, with headquarters in Fargo, North Dakota. With production facilities in a variety of geographical areas in the Midwest, from north to south, Red River Commodities does not depend on the growing conditions of any single location. This has earned the company a solid reputation and a leadership position. The processing facilities for cleaning, sorting, grinding, custom roasting and packaging are located in Fargo and Horace, North Dakota, in Colby, Kansas, and in Lubbock, Texas. From there, products for human consumption and wild bird food are shipped across the US and exported outside the US. Red River Commodities customers can be found in the snack industry, retail industry and in retail chains that sell wild bird food products. Its subsidiary SunGold Foods is active in roasting, salting and flavouring sunflower, soybean and other specialty products. The company also provides contract packaging for customers in a peanut- and tree-nut-free environment. The SunButter subsidiary produces and sells SunButter, a healthy alternative to peanut butter made from specially grown, oil-rich sunflower seeds. SunButter is completely peanut-, tree-nut- and gluten-free. Packed with nutrition, SunButter is an excellent choice for people with peanut allergies. It is distributed through US school systems, retailers and through internet-based sales. The wild bird food business supplies special blends as bird food for DIY and other outlets throughout the US.


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