Real Estate & Mortgage Consultants
Real Estate, 1618 Auction Dr, Pelzer, South Carolina, 29669, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +19*********
One of the driving forces behind the rapid rise in interest and the growing participation in real estate investment clubs is the rise in housing prices we've experienced over the last sev...
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Headquarters: 1618 Auction Dr, Pelzer, South Carolina, 29669, United States
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million
Industry: Real Estate
SIC Code: 6163
NAICS Code: 522291 |
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Real Estate & Mortgage Consultants
Answer: Real Estate & Mortgage Consultants's headquarters are located at 1618 Auction Dr, Pelzer, South Carolina, 29669, United States
Answer: Real Estate & Mortgage Consultants's phone number is +19*********
Answer: Real Estate & Mortgage Consultants's official website is
Answer: Real Estate & Mortgage Consultants's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million
Answer: Real Estate & Mortgage Consultants's SIC: 6163
Answer: Real Estate & Mortgage Consultants's NAICS: 522291
Answer: Real Estate & Mortgage Consultants has 1-10 employees
Answer: Real Estate & Mortgage Consultants is in Real Estate
Answer: Real Estate & Mortgage Consultants contact info: Phone number: +19********* Website:
Answer: One of the driving forces behind the rapid rise in interest and the growing participation in real estate investment clubs is the rise in housing prices we've experienced over the last several years. In fact, with some areas of the country realizing a 50 to 100% rise over the last five years, the real estate boom has spawned what seems like a no-lose investment strategy Over the last couple of decades REO Management has evolved from being viewed as the necessary evil of a mortgage service operation to an important element in an organizations loss mitigation strategy. The final revolution is to recognize that a well managed process can turn REO into a profit center with multiple income streams. We intend to take this practice to the next level. The lack capital is a the largest deterrent for investors to realize their dreams. Through our membership we are able to assist you in expedited growth as a large scale investor and ensure a wealth building portfolio on a national scale
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