
Insurance, 555 Fairmount Ave, Baltimore, Maryland, 21286, United States, 201-500 Employees


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Who is RCM&D

RCM&D is ranked among the top independent insurance advisory firms in the United States. Our specialized teams provide strategic solutions and consulting for risk management, insurance an...

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  • 555 Fairmount Ave, Baltimore, Maryland, 21286, United States Headquarters: 555 Fairmount Ave, Baltimore, Maryland, 21286, United States
  • 1885 Date Founded: 1885
  • 201-500 Employees: 201-500
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Insurance

SIC SIC Code: 6411 | NAICS Code: 524210 | Show More

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RCM&D Org Chart and Mapping


Caprisa Scruggs

Assistant Vice President/Client Executive

Eric Frieman

Northeast Practice Lead - Employee Benefits

Melinda Meredith

Administrative Coordinator

Stephanie Sparzak

Client Executive - Healthcare Practice

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding RCM&D

Answer: RCM&D's headquarters are located at 555 Fairmount Ave, Baltimore, Maryland, 21286, United States

Answer: RCM&D's official website is https://rcmd.com

Answer: RCM&D's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: RCM&D's SIC: 6411

Answer: RCM&D's NAICS: 524210

Answer: RCM&D has 201-500 employees

Answer: RCM&D is in Insurance

Answer: RCM&D contact info: Phone number: Website: https://rcmd.com

Answer: RCM&D is ranked among the top independent insurance advisory firms in the United States. Our specialized teams provide strategic solutions and consulting for risk management, insurance and employee benefits. Leveraging more than 135 years of experience and strong local, national and global reach, we partner with you to meet all of your business objectives. RCM&D Self-Insured Services Company (SISCO) is a Third Party Administrator and a trusted partner in claim management, consulting and advisory services for clients that are self-insured, fully insured, or utilize captive or high deductible programs. Our expertise coupled with our technological resources ensure budget certainty, reduced costs and the overall efficiency of your claim process. Established in 2020 through the strategic merger of RCM&D and Oswald Companies, Unison Risk Advisors (a dba of the JBO Holding Company) is majority employee owned. On June 20, 2023, NSI became the third partner of Unison Risk Advisors. Unison Risk Advisors is made up of these three primary operating companies and all their existing subsidiaries and sub-brands. Today it is one of the largest privately held and employee-owned insurance brokerage and risk management firms in the U.S.


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