Maritime, 3858 Bay Center Place, Hayward, California, 94545, United States, 11-50 Employees
Phone Number: 65********
Purfresh is the sole sole provider of Ozone Atmosphere, Controlled Atmosphere with Ozone, and real-time satellite monitoring and control of refrigerated container atmosphere. Purfresh Ozo...
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Headquarters: 3858 Bay Center Place, Hayward, California, 94545, United States
Date Founded: 2007
Employees: 11-50
Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Purfresh
Answer: Purfresh's headquarters are located at 3858 Bay Center Place, Hayward, California, 94545, United States
Answer: Purfresh's phone number is 65********
Answer: Purfresh's official website is https://purfresh.com
Answer: Purfresh's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million
Answer: Purfresh's SIC: 4221
Answer: Purfresh's NAICS: 493130
Answer: Purfresh has 11-50 employees
Answer: Purfresh is in Maritime
Answer: Purfresh contact info: Phone number: 65******** Website: https://purfresh.com
Answer: Purfresh is the sole sole provider of Ozone Atmosphere, Controlled Atmosphere with Ozone, and real-time satellite monitoring and control of refrigerated container atmosphere. Purfresh Ozone technology uses beneficial properties of Ozone to slow the ripening process in fresh fruit and mitigate the risk of contamination and decay from bacteria and mold during the ocean voyage. Purfresh makes ocean transport a viable option particularly during the current environment of schedule delays and uncertainty.
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