Biotechnology, 333 Allerton Ave, SSF, California, 94080, United States, 51-200 Employees
Phone Number: +16*********
Not sure what to write? Check out your company's website.Proteolix, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to discovering, developing and marketing pharmaceutical products that tar...
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Headquarters: 333 Allerton Ave, SSF, California, 94080, United States
Date Founded: 2003
Employees: 51-200
Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Biotechnology
SIC Code: 2834
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Proteolix
Answer: Proteolix's headquarters are located at 333 Allerton Ave, SSF, California, 94080, United States
Answer: Proteolix's phone number is +16*********
Answer: Proteolix's official website is https://proteolix.com
Answer: Proteolix's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million
Answer: Proteolix's SIC: 2834
Answer: Proteolix has 51-200 employees
Answer: Proteolix is in Biotechnology
Answer: Proteolix contact info: Phone number: +16********* Website: https://proteolix.com
Answer: Not sure what to write? Check out your company's website.Proteolix, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to discovering, developing and marketing pharmaceutical products that target certain cancers and immunological conditions by inhibiting the proteasome and thereby disrupting protein turnover in cells. In addition to its lead product candidate, carfilzomib (PR-171), which is delivered intravenously and is currently in multiple clinical trials to evaluate its safety and efficacy in multiple types of cancer, Proteolix is developing next generation proteasome inhibitors, including an oral proteasome inhibitor and a selective immunoproteasome inhibitor, to expand the therapeutic potential of this new target class. Proteolix is headquartered in South San Francisco.
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