Chemicals, 600 Travis St, Houston, Texas, 77002, United States, 1001-5000 Employees
Phone Number: +41*********
Founded in 1984, Proman started as a small PROject MANagement company specialized in the construction of large industrial projects. Today, Proman is a multi-asset, multi-regional, diversi...
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Headquarters: 600 Travis St, Houston, Texas, 77002, United States
Date Founded: 1984
Employees: 1001-5000
Revenue: $100 Million to $250 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Chemicals
SIC Code: 2869
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Proman
Answer: Proman's headquarters are located at 600 Travis St, Houston, Texas, 77002, United States
Answer: Proman's phone number is +41*********
Answer: Proman's official website is
Answer: Proman's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million
Answer: Proman's SIC: 2869
Answer: Proman has 1001-5000 employees
Answer: Proman is in Chemicals
Answer: Proman contact info: Phone number: +41********* Website:
Answer: Founded in 1984, Proman started as a small PROject MANagement company specialized in the construction of large industrial projects. Today, Proman is a multi-asset, multi-regional, diversified energy producer with methanol and fertilizer production assets in the United States, Trinidad and Oman and expansion underway in Mexico. In addition, Promans service businesses include petrochemical plant operations, petrochemical and power plant construction, product marketing and logistics, and project management. Finally, Proman also owns natural gas production assets both onshore in the United States and offshore in Trinidad.
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