

Staffing And Recruiting, Reston, Virginia, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Welcome to Progression, Inc (Progression Corporation & Progression Legal) Progression, Inc is a contract-to-hire staffing agency based out of Reston, VA. Progression is more efficient and...

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industries-icon Industry: Staffing and Recruiting

SIC SIC Code: 5084 | NAICS Code: 423830 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Progression

Answer: Progression's headquarters are located at Reston, Virginia, United States

Answer: Progression's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Progression's official website is

Answer: Progression's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Progression's SIC: 5084

Answer: Progression's NAICS: 423830

Answer: Progression has 11-50 employees

Answer: Progression is in Staffing and Recruiting

Answer: Progression contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website:

Answer: Welcome to Progression, Inc (Progression Corporation & Progression Legal) Progression, Inc is a contract-to-hire staffing agency based out of Reston, VA. Progression is more efficient and cost effective through our dynamic and agile staffing methodology & sophisticated recruiting software. At Progression we have a spartan team of recruiters and sales professionals. Progression leadership has specialized in sales and recruiting for over 10 years; with a focus in Legal, IT, Cyber Security, Administrative & Accounting staffing services. Progression is currently in the process of obtaining their 8(a)certification. Progression provides a unique service when staffing customers vacancies. Relying on an aggressive team of recruiters and a highly sophisticated database technology to make the difference in our customers success. Over the years, Progressions leadership team has cultivated a unique staffing methodology and partnered with a resume harvesting software tool with proven results. Our sophisticated recruiting power gives us the ability to cast a wide net across the nation. This allows our recruiting team to deliver qualified candidates, screened and ready to interview with our customers within 24 hours. Giving our customers the feel of large business and the comfort of partnering with a boutique staffing organization dedicated to moving your business forward. At Progression, we believe the universe responds to motion. Take the next step in your career or business. Join us today!


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