Princeton Family Care Associates

Princeton Family Care Associates

Medical Practice, 1106 N Merchant St, Princeton, New Jersey, 62401, United States, 1-10 Employees

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We implement a variety of comprehensive and innovative treatment approaches in making an accurate diagnosis. After an extensive evaluation process including a thorough interview, psycholo...

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  • 1106 N Merchant St, Princeton, New Jersey, 62401, United States Headquarters: 1106 N Merchant St, Princeton, New Jersey, 62401, United States
  • 2003 Date Founded: 2003
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Medical Practice

SIC SIC Code: 5995

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Princeton Family Care Associates

Answer: Princeton Family Care Associates's headquarters are located at 1106 N Merchant St, Princeton, New Jersey, 62401, United States

Answer: Princeton Family Care Associates's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Princeton Family Care Associates's official website is

Answer: Princeton Family Care Associates's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Princeton Family Care Associates's SIC: 5995

Answer: Princeton Family Care Associates has 1-10 employees

Answer: Princeton Family Care Associates is in Medical Practice

Answer: Princeton Family Care Associates contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website:

Answer: We implement a variety of comprehensive and innovative treatment approaches in making an accurate diagnosis. After an extensive evaluation process including a thorough interview, psychological testing and laboratory analysis, an individualized treatment program is devised. This plan can include psychiatric medication, hormonal intervention and alternative approaches that may include nutritional and vitamin supplements. In all cases, Dr. Fernandez reviews and approves all treatment recommendations. Dr. Fernandez's vision for the proper treatment of psychiatric illness is not just symptom alleviation, but total remission of symptoms... not just better...well. It is well documented in psychiatric and other medical disorders that if a patient is not treated to remission, to full resolution of their symptoms, to being well, the likelihood of relapse and on ultimate worse prognosis is dramatically increased. The first step in the healing process is proper diagnosis, then a proper and complete selection of treatment options, and finally, a committed effort to the total resolution of symptoms. Clinical care at Princeton Family Care Associates will often include both the Psychiatrist, Clinical Coordinator RN, and the Advanced Practice nursing staff. Patient preference is an integral part of that treatment. When more than one clinician sees a patient, regular meetings are held for coordination of care. Questions about treatment are always welcomed at Princeton Family Care Associates. Our practice strongly believes that an informed patient is essential to their overall well being.


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