Pressto Valet

Pressto Valet

Hospitality, 7108 Crossroads BLVD Ste 307, Brentwood, Tennessee, 37027, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Since 1992, Pressto Valet has been serving the international hospitality industry with high quality in-room guest amenity goods. Known for introducing innovative products that provide cle...

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  • 7108 Crossroads BLVD Ste 307, Brentwood, Tennessee, 37027, United States Headquarters: 7108 Crossroads BLVD Ste 307, Brentwood, Tennessee, 37027, United States
  • 1992 Date Founded: 1992
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Hospitality

SIC SIC Code: 3499 | NAICS Code: 81 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Pressto Valet

Answer: Pressto Valet's headquarters are located at 7108 Crossroads BLVD Ste 307, Brentwood, Tennessee, 37027, United States

Answer: Pressto Valet's phone number is 80********

Answer: Pressto Valet's official website is

Answer: Pressto Valet's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: Pressto Valet's SIC: 3499

Answer: Pressto Valet's NAICS: 81

Answer: Pressto Valet has 1-10 employees

Answer: Pressto Valet is in Hospitality

Answer: Pressto Valet contact info: Phone number: 80******** Website:

Answer: Since 1992, Pressto Valet has been serving the international hospitality industry with high quality in-room guest amenity goods. Known for introducing innovative products that provide clever solutions, Pressto Valet has solved many safety and loss-related issues for hotels with the invention of such patented products as the Pressto Valet Iron Connection and Ironing Organizer. We are also inventors of the ironing board hanger, Cord Wrap cord manager and bungee cover/pad for Iron Connection users. The company offers a complete line of Ironing Board products designed especially for the rigorous demands of repeated hotel use, including their outstanding Hotel Ironing Boards, again raising the bar with the commercially designed goods for the hospitality in the industry. Attractive and durable replacement covers and pads, including the ever-popular bungee one-piece in 3 colors keep the hotel owner and guest satisfied with good looks and durability. The company continues to rise strongly by introducing new products and providing excellent service, earning the respect and excellent reputation of the hotel industry and beyond. Pressto Valets mission is to provide the highest quality in-room amenity products to the hospitality industry and beyond through superior product design and reliability. All Pressto Valet products are engineered and built with the same spirit of innovation, reliability and value that has become the benchmark of our reputation for excellence.


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