Other Manufacturing, 8369 Southpark Ln, Stockholm, Colorado, 80120, United States, 501-1000 Employees
Phone Number: 46**********
Polarium is a leading energy storage developer. We make energy storage and optimization solutions built on lithium-ion battery technology for businesses within telecom, commercial and ind...
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Headquarters: 8369 Southpark Ln, Stockholm, Colorado, 80120, United States
Date Founded: 2015
Employees: 501-1000
Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Other Manufacturing
SIC Code: 3691
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Polarium
Answer: Polarium's headquarters are located at 8369 Southpark Ln, Stockholm, Colorado, 80120, United States
Answer: Polarium's phone number is 46**********
Answer: Polarium's official website is https://polarium.com
Answer: Polarium's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million
Answer: Polarium's SIC: 3691
Answer: Polarium has 501-1000 employees
Answer: Polarium is in Other Manufacturing
Answer: Polarium contact info: Phone number: 46********** Website: https://polarium.com
Answer: Polarium is a leading energy storage developer. We make energy storage and optimization solutions built on lithium-ion battery technology for businesses within telecom, commercial and industrial facilities across the world. Polarium was founded in 2015 on the conviction that safe, smart and sustainable energy storage solutions will be key to empower the transition to a truly sustainable energy future. We are an impact business contributing to the sustainable energy transformation by enabling renewables, electrification and intermittent power supply. Our cutting-edge and easily adaptable modular battery technology enables us to be in the forefront of developing state-of-the-art sustainable energy storage and optimization solutions for today - and tomorrow. Polarium is a fast-growing, profitable entrepreneurial company headquartered in Stockholm, with production in Mexico, South Africa and Vietnam, customers across the world from Ghana to Svalbard and 600+ employees.
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