Poggenpohl U.S
Furniture, 1804 Hi Line Dr, Dallas, Texas, 75207, United States, 201-500 Employees
Phone Number: +49********
Poggenpohl has a long tradition of innovation. As the inventor of the modern kitchen, Poggenpohl sustainably combines architectural concepts and applications with trend-setting design, su...
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Headquarters: 1804 Hi Line Dr, Dallas, Texas, 75207, United States
Employees: 201-500
Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Poggenpohl U.S
Answer: Poggenpohl U.S's headquarters are located at 1804 Hi Line Dr, Dallas, Texas, 75207, United States
Answer: Poggenpohl U.S's phone number is +49********
Answer: Poggenpohl U.S's official website is https://poggenpohl.com
Answer: Poggenpohl U.S's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million
Answer: Poggenpohl U.S's SIC: 25
Answer: Poggenpohl U.S's NAICS: 54
Answer: Poggenpohl U.S has 201-500 employees
Answer: Poggenpohl U.S is in Furniture
Answer: Poggenpohl U.S top competitors include: SieMatic
Answer: Poggenpohl U.S contact info: Phone number: +49******** Website: https://poggenpohl.com
Answer: Poggenpohl has a long tradition of innovation. As the inventor of the modern kitchen, Poggenpohl sustainably combines architectural concepts and applications with trend-setting design, superb craftsmanship and technical precision. Founded in 1892, the small cabinetmakers shop has evolved into the leading brand for German-made luxury kitchen architecture. The companys outstanding international reputation is built upon its constant pursuit of innovation. Poggenpohl kitchens are manufactured at the companys headquarters in Herford, Germany, ensuring their distinction and high standard of quality. The kitchens are sold in over 70 countries around the world, through an international network of the companys own studios and authorised business partners.
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