Plasticards, Inc. | Rainbow Printing

Plasticards, Inc. | Rainbow Printing

Printing, 3711 Boettler Oaks Dr, Uniontown, Ohio, 44685, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Print & manufacture plastic library cards & key tags, barcoded card/key tag combo sets, variable numbered rearview mirror parking permit hang tags, refrigerator magnets and other laminate...

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  • 3711 Boettler Oaks Dr, Uniontown, Ohio, 44685, United States Headquarters: 3711 Boettler Oaks Dr, Uniontown, Ohio, 44685, United States
  • 1986 Date Founded: 1986
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Printing

SIC SIC Code: 2396

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Plasticards, Inc. | Rainbow Printing

Answer: Plasticards, Inc. | Rainbow Printing's headquarters are located at 3711 Boettler Oaks Dr, Uniontown, Ohio, 44685, United States

Answer: Plasticards, Inc. | Rainbow Printing's phone number is +18*********

Answer: Plasticards, Inc. | Rainbow Printing's official website is

Answer: Plasticards, Inc. | Rainbow Printing's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Plasticards, Inc. | Rainbow Printing's SIC: 2396

Answer: Plasticards, Inc. | Rainbow Printing has 11-50 employees

Answer: Plasticards, Inc. | Rainbow Printing is in Printing

Answer: Plasticards, Inc. | Rainbow Printing contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:

Answer: Print & manufacture plastic library cards & key tags, barcoded card/key tag combo sets, variable numbered rearview mirror parking permit hang tags, refrigerator magnets and other laminated plastic applications. Rainbow is an industry leader in printing on plastic. We design & manufacture credit card quality plastic cards & custom laminated non-paper promotions for identification, education and communication. Other popular products include labels, stickers & decals. We print on pressure-sensitive films, Teslin, PVC & synthetic materials. This core is laminated with a combination of polyester & adhesive to form a physical & chemical bond that will tolerate continued exposure to harsh environments. For example, our rearview mirror hang tags are constructed to withstand the extreme heat inside a parked car on a summer day without peeling or cracking. Our barcoded key tags will not distort or tear away from your key chain so they scan the first time every time. Our unique plastic card/key tag combination sets have barcodes or action-driving QR codes that generate store traffic for new membership, loyalty, discount & rewards programs. These are very popular with supermarkets & fuelperks rewards. In addition to plastic cards, we manufacture millions of parking permits & hanging tags for students, faculty & employees at high schools and colleges around the world. Our complex variable numbering software ensures each permit is unique to each vehicle or motorcycle with no missing numbers. Our custom printed & laminated flat plastic tools & charts will spin, slide and glide. Examples include medical goniometers, angle rulers, instructional wheel calculators, data calculating slide charts, calipers, gauges, training aids & custom measuring devices. Refrigerator magnets guarantee your logo & ad message will "stick" in plain sight. Rainbow has hundreds of die-cut shapes and sizes to fit any industry or create your own.


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