![Pierce Private Day School](https://gocience.com/logos/new/5d0cea6c473a903aa55020b081a5e3db956c90eca58c7d89a6f45c46148411b3.jpg)
Pierce Private Day School
Education Management, 8767 East Via, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85258, United States, 11-50 Employees
Phone Number: +18*********
Pierce Private Day School pro vides a safe, warm, positive, Christian environment for children to become enthusiastic about education and develop a sense of self-worth. We believe that le...
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Headquarters: 8767 East Via, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85258, United States
Employees: 11-50
Revenue: Under $1 Million
Industry: Education Management
SIC Code: 8211
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Pierce Private Day School
Answer: Pierce Private Day School's headquarters are located at 8767 East Via, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85258, United States
Answer: Pierce Private Day School's phone number is +18*********
Answer: Pierce Private Day School's official website is https://piercepds.com
Answer: Pierce Private Day School's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: Pierce Private Day School's SIC: 8211
Answer: Pierce Private Day School has 11-50 employees
Answer: Pierce Private Day School is in Education Management
Answer: Pierce Private Day School contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website: https://piercepds.com
Answer: Pierce Private Day School pro vides a safe, warm, positive, Christian environment for children to become enthusiastic about education and develop a sense of self-worth. We believe that learning takes place in many different ways for children. While our program primarily consists of teacher-directed formal instruction, we also provide times for child-directed exploration of learning centers, recreation, socialization, artistic expression and music. We want children to experience many successes in their learning. Each child is seen as a unique individual created by God with special talents, abilities and interests. Our staff in cludes specially trained and degreed teachers who will encourage your child to develop self-confidence, a sense of responsibility, and self-esteem.
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