Phoenix Mecano North America

Phoenix Mecano North America

Consumer Electronics, 7330 Executive Way, Frederick, Maryland, 21704, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Headquartered in Maryland, Phoenix Mecano is the North American sales and value-added manufacturer of the Swiss-based holding company Phoenix Mecano Group. With our vast engineering exper...

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  • 7330 Executive Way, Frederick, Maryland, 21704, United States Headquarters: 7330 Executive Way, Frederick, Maryland, 21704, United States
  • 1987 Date Founded: 1987
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Consumer Electronics

SIC SIC Code: 3479

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Phoenix Mecano North America

Answer: Phoenix Mecano North America's headquarters are located at 7330 Executive Way, Frederick, Maryland, 21704, United States

Answer: Phoenix Mecano North America's phone number is 30********

Answer: Phoenix Mecano North America's official website is

Answer: Phoenix Mecano North America's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Phoenix Mecano North America's SIC: 3479

Answer: Phoenix Mecano North America has 51-200 employees

Answer: Phoenix Mecano North America is in Consumer Electronics

Answer: Phoenix Mecano North America contact info: Phone number: 30******** Website:

Answer: Headquartered in Maryland, Phoenix Mecano is the North American sales and value-added manufacturer of the Swiss-based holding company Phoenix Mecano Group. With our vast engineering expertise, unique customization capabilities and knowledge, we know well find the perfect solution for your application on time, on budget. Plus, youll always work hand-in-hand with our highly knowledgeable customer service team, in-house engineers, and product managers, all of whom bring a wealth of skills and expertise to the table. As a global leader in the enclosure and industrial components segments, our family of products is well respected and trusted by some of the worlds largest companies. For more information or to contact a Customer Service Representative, call (301) 696-9411. Phoenix Mecano is ISO 9001:2008 certified


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