Phantom Carriage Brewery

Phantom Carriage Brewery

Consumer Goods, S Main St, Carson, , 90248, California, 18525, United States, 1-10 Employees

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phone no Phone Number: 31********


At Phantom Carriage Brewery and Blendery, we are dedicated to experimentation and to the expansion of beer beyond traditional style limitations. Although we do occasionally create tradit...

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industries-icon Industry: Consumer Goods

SIC SIC Code: 2084

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Phantom Carriage Brewery

Answer: Phantom Carriage Brewery's headquarters are located at S Main St, Carson, , 90248, California, 18525, United States

Answer: Phantom Carriage Brewery's phone number is 31********

Answer: Phantom Carriage Brewery's official website is

Answer: Phantom Carriage Brewery's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: Phantom Carriage Brewery's SIC: 2084

Answer: Phantom Carriage Brewery has 1-10 employees

Answer: Phantom Carriage Brewery is in Consumer Goods

Answer: Phantom Carriage Brewery contact info: Phone number: 31******** Website:

Answer: At Phantom Carriage Brewery and Blendery, we are dedicated to experimentation and to the expansion of beer beyond traditional style limitations. Although we do occasionally create traditional, "clean" beers using industry-standard ingredients and yeast, we focus on alternate fermentations and use a wide variety of wild yeast and bacteria to deliver innovative, flavor-forward beers that are intended to be both exciting as well as approachable. We age many of our beers in a diverse assortment of wine and spirit barrels obtained through close relationships with regional producers, and ferment with cultures developed and fine-tuned over years of trials and research. We attempt to expand on traditional european brewing and blending techniques using the driving curiosity and dynamic problem solving that stems from our home brewing roots. We take great pleasure in creating every beer we produce and hope you enjoy the results!

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