

Medical Practice, 2020 Lonnie Abbott BLVD, Sheridan, Wyoming, 74820, United States, 201-500 Employees

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Paymedics is one of the leading companies in healthcare industry which provides state of the art Revenue Cycle Management, billing services and comprehensive practice management for all t...

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  • 2020 Lonnie Abbott BLVD, Sheridan, Wyoming, 74820, United States Headquarters: 2020 Lonnie Abbott BLVD, Sheridan, Wyoming, 74820, United States
  • 201-500 Employees: 201-500
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $500 Million to $1 Billion

industries-icon Industry: Medical Practice

SIC SIC Code: 5045 | NAICS Code: 921150 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Paymedics

Answer: Paymedics's headquarters are located at 2020 Lonnie Abbott BLVD, Sheridan, Wyoming, 74820, United States

Answer: Paymedics's phone number is +15*********

Answer: Paymedics's official website is

Answer: Paymedics's revenue is $500 Million to $1 Billion

Answer: Paymedics's SIC: 5045

Answer: Paymedics's NAICS: 921150

Answer: Paymedics has 201-500 employees

Answer: Paymedics is in Medical Practice

Answer: Paymedics contact info: Phone number: +15********* Website:

Answer: Paymedics is one of the leading companies in healthcare industry which provides state of the art Revenue Cycle Management, billing services and comprehensive practice management for all types of medical practices and health care systems. At Paymedics we strive for excellence. Our team of experts streamlines the billing and revenue cycle management process, maximizes reimbursement, reduces denials, ensures compliance, and ultimately improves the financial health of healthcare providers and healthcare systems. Our management team has several years of experience managing medical practices. We have practice optimization tools which will help your practice use the resources efficiently and effectively, reduce your administrative costs and ultimately increase your net profit. Our Marketing team will help your practice grow rapidly by using different marketing tools including SEO, social media platforms and local marketing. Our pricing is competitive, and our results are amazing. Our team has several years of experience in their respective fields. We offer access to live data to our customers through our user-friendly portal which has an AI based system and has automated processes.


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