Path Robotics

Path Robotics

Industrial Automation, 524 Maier Pl, Columbus, Ohio, 43215, United States, 201-500 Employees

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phone no Phone Number: 61********


Path Robotics was founded by brothers Andy and Alex Lonsberry with a desire to help fill workforce gaps in the manufacturing industry. There is plenty of welding to do, but not enough wel...

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industries-icon Industry: Industrial Automation

SIC SIC Code: 8711 | NAICS Code: 33 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Path Robotics

Answer: Path Robotics's headquarters are located at 524 Maier Pl, Columbus, Ohio, 43215, United States

Answer: Path Robotics's phone number is 61********

Answer: Path Robotics's official website is

Answer: Path Robotics's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Path Robotics's SIC: 8711

Answer: Path Robotics's NAICS: 33

Answer: Path Robotics has 201-500 employees

Answer: Path Robotics is in Industrial Automation

Answer: Path Robotics contact info: Phone number: 61******** Website:

Answer: Path Robotics was founded by brothers Andy and Alex Lonsberry with a desire to help fill workforce gaps in the manufacturing industry. There is plenty of welding to do, but not enough welders. As a result, Path Robotics creates robotic systems that leverage state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer vision systems to fit-up and weld parts. Paths mission is to evolve intelligent robotics systems to learn, adapt, and solve the hardest manufacturing challenges. That means our robots don't require programmers and can weld a variety of projects. This allows manufacturers to increase their throughput and grow their company in the meantime.

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