Pacific Seafood

Pacific Seafood

Food & Beverages, Se 130th Ave., Clackamas, , 97015, Oregon, 16797, United States, 1001-5000 Employees

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Founded in 1941 by the Dulcich Family, Pacific Seafood is a family-owned and operated company dedicated to providing the healthiest protein on the planet. Pacific Seafood manages all part...

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industries-icon Industry: Food & Beverages

SIC SIC Code: 919 | NAICS Code: 114119 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Pacific Seafood

Answer: Pacific Seafood's headquarters are located at Se 130th Ave., Clackamas, , 97015, Oregon, 16797, United States

Answer: Pacific Seafood's phone number is 50********

Answer: Pacific Seafood's official website is

Answer: Pacific Seafood's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million

Answer: Pacific Seafood's SIC: 919

Answer: Pacific Seafood's NAICS: 114119

Answer: Pacific Seafood has 1001-5000 employees

Answer: Pacific Seafood is in Food & Beverages

Answer: Pacific Seafood contact info: Phone number: 50******** Website:

Answer: Founded in 1941 by the Dulcich Family, Pacific Seafood is a family-owned and operated company dedicated to providing the healthiest protein on the planet. Pacific Seafood manages all parts of the supply chain from harvesting/fishing to processing, and distribution in order to provide customers with fresh, sustainable, high-quality products. Pacific Seafood Group is headquartered in Clackamas, Oregon. We employ more than 3,000 team members across 41 facilities in 11 states. One of our missions is to provide products to meet all of our customers center of the plate protein needs including seafood, beef, pork, and poultry. Some of our most popular items include oysters, Dungeness crab, rockfish, coldwater shrimp, wild salmon, and steelhead.

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