Pacific Biomedical

Pacific Biomedical

Medical Devices, 2443 W 12th St, Tempe, Arizona, 85281, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Pacific Biomedical is a local DME provider with a national reach. Founded in 2000, Pacific Biomedical has over 20 years of Combined Durable Medical Equipment experience. With our national...

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industries-icon Industry: Medical Devices

SIC SIC Code: 5047

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Pacific Biomedical

Answer: Pacific Biomedical's headquarters are located at 2443 W 12th St, Tempe, Arizona, 85281, United States

Answer: Pacific Biomedical's phone number is +14*********

Answer: Pacific Biomedical's official website is

Answer: Pacific Biomedical's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Pacific Biomedical's SIC: 5047

Answer: Pacific Biomedical has 11-50 employees

Answer: Pacific Biomedical is in Medical Devices

Answer: Pacific Biomedical contact info: Phone number: +14********* Website:

Answer: Pacific Biomedical is a local DME provider with a national reach. Founded in 2000, Pacific Biomedical has over 20 years of Combined Durable Medical Equipment experience. With our national and regional insurance contracts Pacific Biomedical operates across the Western United States. Our extensive experience includes operating DME programs within ambulatory surgery centers, small specialty surgical hospitals and physician practices. Pacific Biomedicals mission is to bring cost containment DME solutions to facilities and Patients by offering a full range of DME products. We analyze your current DME distribution cost structure, then we create a custom DME stock and bill program specifically designed to meet the needs of your facility and physicians, while providing a cost savings to the facility. Our specifically designed Home Patient Program also provides patients the convenience of home care for all Post Operative surgical needs.


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