Oregon Historical Society

Oregon Historical Society

Museums And Institutions, 1200 Southwest Park Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97205, United States, 11-50 Employees


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The Oregon Historical Society is dedicated to making Oregons long, rich history visible and accessible to all. For more than a century, we have served as the states collective memory, gat...

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  • 1200 Southwest Park Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97205, United States Headquarters: 1200 Southwest Park Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97205, United States
  • 1898 Date Founded: 1898
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Museums and Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 5942

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Oregon Historical Society Org Chart and Mapping


Ali Griffin

Donor Relations Manager

Emilie Krutzik

Ethnic Studies Educator

Mercy Rossi

Accounting Specialist

Eliza Canty-Jones

Director of Community Engagement

Jenny Duvander

Production Editor, Oregon Historical Quarterly

Katie Mayer

Technical Services Librarian

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Oregon Historical Society

Answer: Oregon Historical Society's headquarters are located at 1200 Southwest Park Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97205, United States

Answer: Oregon Historical Society's phone number is +15*********

Answer: Oregon Historical Society's official website is https://ohs.org

Answer: Oregon Historical Society's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Oregon Historical Society's SIC: 5942

Answer: Oregon Historical Society has 11-50 employees

Answer: Oregon Historical Society is in Museums and Institutions

Answer: Oregon Historical Society contact info: Phone number: +15********* Website: https://ohs.org

Answer: The Oregon Historical Society is dedicated to making Oregons long, rich history visible and accessible to all. For more than a century, we have served as the states collective memory, gathering and preserving a vast collection of artifacts, photographs, films, manuscripts, books, and oral histories. Researchers from around the world travel to our library, unearthing information that challenges conventional thinking. Curious individuals come to us to explore their family trees or discover the history of their homes or neighborhoods. Archaeologists, environmentalists, filmmakers, architects, novelists, artists, and others all find their way to us, asking questions, making discoveries, creating knowledge. We share our vast collection through thought-provoking museum exhibits and robust digital platforms. We bring history directly to Oregons students in ways that bridge gaps of time and perspective, and we support lifelong learning through our many public lectures and events. We advance critical inquiry through the Oregon Historical Quarterly, a journal that has sparked conversations throughout our community for over a century.

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