Ocean Rescue Alliance

Ocean Rescue Alliance

Environmental Services, Hollywood, Florida, 05071, United States, 1-10 Employees


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Ocean Rescue Alliance International (ORAI) is a science-based marine conservation and restoration non-profit organization that implements innovative techniques to improve the health of ou...

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industries-icon Industry: Environmental Services

SIC SIC Code: 8641 | NAICS Code: 813410 | Show More

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Ocean Rescue Alliance Org Chart and Mapping

Shelby Thomas

Chief Executive Officer & Director of Research


Christopher Vaughn

Marketing and Development Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ocean Rescue Alliance

Answer: Ocean Rescue Alliance's headquarters are located at Hollywood, Florida, 05071, United States

Answer: Ocean Rescue Alliance's phone number is +13*********

Answer: Ocean Rescue Alliance's official website is https://oceanrescuealliance.org

Answer: Ocean Rescue Alliance's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Ocean Rescue Alliance's SIC: 8641

Answer: Ocean Rescue Alliance's NAICS: 813410

Answer: Ocean Rescue Alliance has 1-10 employees

Answer: Ocean Rescue Alliance is in Environmental Services

Answer: Ocean Rescue Alliance contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website: https://oceanrescuealliance.org

Answer: Ocean Rescue Alliance International (ORAI) is a science-based marine conservation and restoration non-profit organization that implements innovative techniques to improve the health of our marine environments. ORAI focuses on saving our oceans one reef at a time through the creation of artificial reefs and marine infrastructure. These artificial structures are strategically designed to enhance marine environments, build marine habitat, conduct restoration, protect coast lines, and connect communities through art. These artistically crafted reefs create critical habitat while providing a beautiful recreation area for divers to enjoy. ORAI's reefs are designed to incorporate art and innovative designs while utilizing safe materials. ORAI's reef sites enhance marine habitats and protect coastlines while providing a unique diving location to serve both the public and our marine environments for generations to come. ORAI also hosts a variety of programs in support of our artificial reefs work. The ORAI marine conservation and education program empowers and inspires our future generations to conserve and maintain our marine environments. Our citizen science programs under the ORAI Alliance such as the Coral Rangers, engages our local communities in reef monitoring and coral restoration efforts. Our research team investigates artificial reef design improvements, applied reef restoration, coastal protection with wave reduction modules, fish population dynamics and recruitment to contribute to effective restoration. The ORAI alliance unites marine conservation and restoration organizations around the globe, helping us save our oceans one reef at a time!


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